Imminent trade involving a defenseman from the Canadiens for a star forward? Kent Hughes speaks out, and there is no hurry

David St-Jean
January 15, 2024  (11:37 PM)

Photo credit: TVA Sports

It's evident, and everyone is noticing: there will soon be an excess of defensemen at the Canadiens, especially on the left side. Conversely, there is a dire lack of dynamic forwards.

A trade that is on everyone's lips would involve a young left-handed defenseman for a promising young forward. The name Trevor Zegras comes up often, but he is not the only one who could help the Habs.
During his mid-season press conference on Monday, Kent Hughes addressed this question. He is aware that his team lacks offensive firepower, and he is not ignoring the issue.
GM Kent Hughes: "we're looking for players that can help us. Are we looking to add offense to this group? Yeah, no question about it."

The Canadiens struggle to score goals. When they win, it's by a narrow margin, but it's the same when they lose. Most of the time, the difference is only one goal, and many games end in overtime.
Acquiring a forward for a young defenseman like Justin Barron, for example, who is currently in the press box, would be a good move. However, Kent Hughes doesn't believe it's urgent.
GM Kent Hughes on if there's urgency to trade from the young D corps to address other areas of need: "where we have chances to rebalance the ledger so-to-speak, we'll pursue them. Do I feel like we have a gun to our head to do that right now? No, not at all."

- Kent Hughes, via Priyanta Emrith

Certainly, the Canadiens are in a rebuilding phase, and the GM has the luxury of being patient. Acquiring an impact forward can also come from the free-agent market, and he probably hasn't finished his interviews with defensemen yet.
When Lane Hutson, Adam Engstrom, David Reinbacher, and company are in the team's orbit in Montreal or Laval, which could happen in just a few weeks, the GM will have a better idea and try to trade players who will no longer be part of the plans.
15 JANVIER   |   537 ANSWERS
Imminent trade involving a defenseman from the Canadiens for a star forward? Kent Hughes speaks out, and there is no hurry

In your opinion, should Kent Hughes wait until all his players are in the organization before making any transactions?

Yes25647.7 %
No28152.3 %
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