Rafaël Harvey-Pinard could break the bank

Elias Adaime
May 7, 2023  (5:37 PM)

Jean-Nicolas Blanchet, a journalist for La Presse, recently wrote an article about Rafaël Harvey-Pinard and his future contract in the NHL.

According to him, RHP has the potential to sign a rather high contract considering the start of his career. His article titled "If Harvey-Pinard Doesn't Get Very Rich, He's Being Cheated by the Canadiens" explains and demonstrates through interesting comparisons why the Quebec player should earn a good salary with the Canadiens.
"The player who compares most to Harvey-Pinard will have $23 million more in his bank account in three years. I'll come back to this, but it gives an idea of the value of the forward. [...]

And if his name was Tyson Jones.

Imagine if Harvey-Pinard was instead an American : Tyson Jones. [...]

I would sign a contract as soon as possible with this Tyson Jones. And I would pay a high price to keep him for a long time. Not just two years, to see after that. Longer so that he becomes a huge bargain in a few years."

He then continues by identifying a player with a career and statistics very similar to Harvey-Pinard.
"The best example is winger Ilya Mikheyev of the Canucks. Never drafted, he arrived in the NHL at 24 years old. Mikheyev was good without dominating in the KHL before. Harvey-Pinard was also good without dominating, but in the American League. Mikheyev scored 23 points, including 8 goals in 39 games in his first year in Toronto. Harvey-Pinard has 20 points, including 14 goals, in 34 games," added Jean-Nicolas Blanchet.

With a contract worth $3.2 million in 2020 for two years, Ilya Mikheyev signed a new four-year contract worth $19 million in 2022.
Currently, the major difference between the two players is that Mikheyev will be $23 million richer than Harvey-Pinard by the end of his current contract.
Does RHP deserve a salary as high as Mikheyev's? Should he be tested for one or two more seasons?
It remains to be seen what kind of contract Rafaël Harvey-Pinard will sign this summer after becoming a free agent.
7 MAI   |   179 ANSWERS
Rafaël Harvey-Pinard could break the bank

Do you think the Canadiens should offer a four-season contract to Rafaël Harvey-Pinard?

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