Striking comments about Lane Hutson are surfacing, and fans can dream big

Elias Adaime
May 18, 2023  (5:02 PM)

The Montreal Canadiens' hopeful, young defenseman Lane Hutson, has made a lot of headlines since his draft. His name has been on everyone's lips throughout the season as he delivered almost historic performances in the NCAA.

Currently playing in the World Championship with professionals and NHL players, the 19-year-old defenseman continues to turn heads and has been receiving a downpour of praise since the beginning of the tournament.
His head coach with the American team, David Quinn, had very complimentary remarks about the youngest player on his team.
» He's as eclectic and dynamic as he was in college, in this tournament. What I like about him is that he quickly learns how to adapt his game to another level. He's a coachable kid. He works hard. He's a great teammate.» - David Quinn

Even though the San Jose Sharks' pilot won't have Hutson under his guidance for long, he genuinely wants to help him adapt his game to another level, while recognizing that he's a special player in possession of the puck.
« You can see his confidence growing with the puck. He and I have talked about the fact that he might have to create a slightly different attack at this level, a bit more puck movement. But good things usually happen when the puck is on his stick. « - David Quinn

Considering Quinn once coached one of the NHL's best defensemen in Adam Fox, and now has the excellent Erik Karlsson under his charge, it lends a lot of credibility to his comments on Hutson.
In fact, even his teammate with Team USA, Matt Coronato, had nothing but praise for the Tricolore defenseman.
».He's definitely a special player. He has a ton of talent. His offensive instincts are among the best I've seen « – Matt Coronato, about Lane Hutson

Many, including me, believe that Hutson is the Canadiens' best hope, and it seems increasingly plausible that he might one day become an impact defender in the NHL.
Credit: DansLesCoulisses.com
18 MAI   |   137 ANSWERS
Striking comments about Lane Hutson are surfacing, and fans can dream big

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