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It would now be confirmed for the Arizona Coyotes

Published February 7, 2024 at 6:26 PM

We are hearing more and more about it: Gary Bettman will make an announcement about the future of the Arizona Coyotes. Initially, it was talked about in terms of weeks before the announcement, and now it's down to a few days.

Frank Seravalli even mentions that it should happen this weekend. Then Elliotte Friedman just added to it with a statement that no longer leaves much doubt.

"They will begin the process of selling the team, or the NHL will take over the team to sell it to someone." - Elliotte Friedman

No one seems willing to take the risk of keeping a team in Arizona, so we can practically say that the team will officially move.

According to several insiders, including Kevin Weekes, the franchise will go to Salt Lake City.

It's significant, but let's wait to be 100% sure. Bettman will make a major announcement in the next few days, and we will finally have more details.

It's worth noting that Quebec City is financially ready to welcome the Coyotes, and an expansion to Salt Lake City would be even more lucrative for the NHL.

Therefore, we should not rule out Quebec City. A story to follow in the coming days.

February 7   |   629 answers
It would now be confirmed for the Arizona Coyotes

Would you prefer the Coyotes to come to Quebec, or an expansion?

Coyotes42166.9 %
Expansion20833.1 %
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