Fresh news about Paul Byron and his new role with the Canadiens

David St-Jean
May 29, 2024  (5:08 PM)

Paul Byron
Photo credit: La Presse

Paul Byron has been discussed as an excellent candidate to become an assistant coach with the Laval Rocket since Kelly Buchberger's departure.

All positions have been extended, but Buchberger's position has not been replaced, which is concerning for Byron.
Fans love him, the organization loves him, so why hasn't he been appointed? Anthony Marcotte has part of the answer, and it's very logical.
He compares Byron to Francis Bouillon, who had the opportunity but much prefers to remain involved in player development.
"Will the organization try to bring in a potential head coach that they want to develop in this role long term? I see three candidates who stand out to me right now in the QMJHL: Sylvain Favreau, Carl Mallette, and Louis Robitaille. [...]

Within the organization itself, I hinted at the end of the season that Paul Byron's candidacy would be considered if he wants to make the jump into coaching. He is extremely valued in the organization, but history doesn't say whether coaching interests him. Take the case of Francis Bouillon as an example, who was once offered an assistant coaching position in Laval but much preferred to remain in player development, a role he holds dear. I think Byron should be established as the favorite for the job, but only if he's interested. [...]" - Anthony Marcotte, BPM Sports

We don't have confirmation, but if Byron enjoys player development, that could well be the reason he hasn't taken the position yet.
Marcotte then mentioned some very familiar names, like Jason Demers, Jason Pominville, and Derick Brassard, who could enter the wonderful world of coaching with the Rocket.
Marcotte further speculated that Byron might be more interested in working with the Canadiens than with the Rocket. We must not forget the long bus rides and all the less glamorous sides of working in the AHL.
In short, when Byron is ready and there is a position for him, he will be a top candidate.
29 MAI   |   417 ANSWERS
Fresh news about Paul Byron and his new role with the Canadiens

Would you prefer Paul Byron to become a coach with the Rocket or with the Canadiens?

Rocket30272.4 %
Canadiens11527.6 %
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