Huge statement involving Patrice Bergeron and the Habs

Joe El-Khoury
May 2, 2023  (2:20 PM)

Seeing Patrice Bergeron's reaction after the Bruins' elimination Sunday night, as he took the time to hug all his teammates before saluting the crowd at TD Garden, several analysts suggested that it might have been his very last game in the NHL.

However, following this emotional night, the Quebec native did not close the door on a return to the Bruins next year, saying he needed time to think about his future with his family.
However, Yvon Pedneault made a huge statement about Patrice Bergeron and the Montreal Canadiens this morning.
Although the 38-year-old forward has not yet announced his retirement, should he have played his last game in a Bruins uniform, Yvon Pedneault suggested that Kent Hughes should approach his former client to offer him a position as a resource person in the Habs organization. Let's not forget that the two men have become friends over the past few years, as Kent Hughes was the Quebecer's agent for many seasons.
"No matter what decision he makes, the Patrice Bergeron case should fill the discussions among the Canadiens' decision-makers. An organization with as impressive a history as the Tricolore should never miss the opportunity to surround itself with influential people." -Yvon Pedneault.

Even though some believe Bergeron would naturally accept a position in the Bruins organization when he retires, Yvon Pedneault cites the example of Vincent Lecavalier who, despite a long career with the Tampa Bay Lightning, joined the Tricolore. We should not forget that Patrice Bergeron's entire family currently lives in Quebec and that his wife, Stéphanie Bertrand, is a native, which could have a significant impact on the Quebecer's decision.
See what Yvon Pedneault had to say on the subject:
"Bergeron's shining profile and the impact he has had and still has in the hockey world deserves serious consideration. He is an ambassador for his sport. He is a resource person for the leaders of the National League. Throughout his career, he has served his sport with great professionalism.

Last year, Geoff Molson and his group did not hesitate to approach Vincent Lecavalier. Shouldn't they include Patrice Bergeron's name in their future plans?

Some will say he is a full-fledged member of the Boston Bruins, and we all agree. However, when an athlete's career comes to an end, priorities sometimes change, especially if one is offered a challenge corresponding to projects one would like to achieve in a completely new role." -Yvon Pedneault

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Huge statement involving Patrice Bergeron and the Habs

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