Proposal trade by fan : 3 good assets for Macklin Celebrini

Carl Vaillancourt
May 5, 2024  (10:13 PM)

Macklin Celebrini
Photo credit: Picture

Kent Hughes is facing one of the most important summers of his career, fully aware that he needs to add a significant offensive element.

This week, we will learn the draft position of the organization's first pick, and it's not out of the question that the general manager may want to make a big move to secure the top spot and thus acquire Macklin Celebrini.
Knowing that his chances of obtaining the first pick are slim at 8.5% probability, Kent Hughes may seek alternative means to acquire it.
A supporter (Alex Jodoin) has proposed a trade on the X platform that might interest the San Jose Sharks, who have the highest probability at 18.5% of securing the first overall pick next June.

A trade offer between Kent Hughes' Canadiens and the Sharks for Macklin Celebrini

Here's the proposal:
SAN JOSE receives: 2024 1st overall pick
MONTREAL receives: David Reinbacher + Logan Mailloux + 2024 1st round pick (5th overall)
While this transaction would be colossal for the Canadiens, the public's vote on the possibility of such a trade is intriguing. While most experts might say it's wishful thinking, the response from fans has been surprising! Out of over 6,500 votes, 60% of respondents answered yes.
We might also wonder if both clubs would entertain this transaction.
On a personal note, Logan Mailloux is ready to join the NHL ranks in 2024-2025, but the Canadiens have a significant pool of young talent on the blue line, particularly on the right side. David Reinbacher was drafted fifth overall in 2023 and also shows promise.
While offense may lead to playoffs, it's defense that wins championships. Could it be possible to trade Logan Mailloux, Justin Barron, and the fifth overall pick sooner?
The San Jose Sharks must work hard to rebuild their blue line due to injuries and numerous shortcomings in that area.
It's uncertain whether Mike Grier, Kent Hughes' counterpart at the San Jose Sharks, would entertain such a trade. It's not just about Macklin Celebrini but also what he represents for the organization. A first overall pick brings hope! The Sharks desperately need it after the tough season they've had. With Will Smith on the horizon and some good young offensive players, they'll need to improve defensively; otherwise, returning to the playoffs could take a few years.
Still, it's nice to dream, especially knowing that Celebrini and Lane Hutson dominated together in the NCAA. Imagine what that could mean in a few years!
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